Membership Categories

Membership Dues

O.K. you’re right… Nothing is free. We do charge our members dues to support the Association and its many services.

Regular North America Membership

Any entity possessing fixed manufacturing assets within the United States and/or Canada and actively engaged in the manufacture and sale of shortline farm equipment may apply for membership.

Dues for Manufacturers (Regular Members) are based on the annual sale from your ag division.

Annual sales under $1,000,000$ 620
Annual sales  $1,000,000 – $3,000,000$ 1025
Annual sales  $3,000,000 – 6,000,000$ 1425
Annual sales over $6,000,000 $ 1,850

Regular Member Application (Printable PDF)

Regular Member Application (On Line)

Foreign Membership 
Any individual entity meeting the above requirements for Regular Membership except having manufacturing facilities in the United States and/or Canada may apply for Foreign Membership.

Annual sales under $1,000,000$ 1,030
Annual sales  $1,000,00 – $3,000,000$ 1,300
Annual sales  $3,000,000 – $6,000,000$ 1,670
Annual sales  over $6,000,000$ 1,850

Foreign Member Application (Printable PDF)

Foreign Member Application (On Line)

Supplier Associate Membership
Any entity not qualifying for Regular or Foreign Membership, yet supplying raw materials, component parts of whole goods, or other services to farm equipment manufacturers approved by the Board of Directors, not to include marketing of whole goods, may apply for Supplier Associate Membership.

Limitation of Use – No Supplier Associate Member shall identify his/her company as an “approved” or “endorsed” Association supplier unless so approved by the Association Board of Directors.

Dues are $605 and are billed annually.

Supplier Associate Member Application (Printable PDF)

Supplier Associate Member Application (On Line)

Marketing Associate Membership 
Any entity involved in the marketing of farm, garden, power, and light industrial equipment (“Equipment”) who possesses a warehouse facility for wholesale distribution of the Equipment or purchases and resells the Equipment or physically markets or earns a sale-based commission from the manufacturer or distributor of the Equipment may apply for Marketing Associate Membership.

Marketing Associate Member$605

Marketing Associate Member Application (Printable PDF)

Marketing Associate Member Application (On Line)

General Information
As a result of ongoing lobbying activities by the Association on behalf of our members, in some years, a small portion of dues payments are not deductible by members as an ordinary and necessary business expense. 

For the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2022, no dues were used for lobbying – 100% of the total dues paid are deductible as ordinary business expense.

In addition to our staff activity, when required, we will continue to use paid lobbyists to assist us in making elected officials and government agencies aware of our members’ interests and to monitor state legislation and regulations.

It is important to note that our Association has not endorsed, nor have we contributed any Association funds to any candidate for public office or any political action committee (PAC). Our staff is ready to answer any questions you may have, just give us a call at 314.878.2304 or e-mail for more information on our lobbying efforts.

Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association
1000 Executive Parkway – Suite 100
St. Louis, Missouri 63141-6369 USA

Page Updated: November 9, 2022  VFS