For 70 years, the Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association has been the voice of manufacturers of specialized farm equipment. From small, family-run businesses to multi-national corporations, members rely on the Association to stay on top of industry news.
We deliver that news through a 20-times-a-year newsletter and a semi-annual print magazine.
Advertisers in these publications enjoy access to an attentive and well-defined audience: about 2,000 decision-makers at over 600 companies throughout North America who represent every link in the supply chain. When you advertise with the Association, you partner with a trusted source in the farm equipment industry.
Partner with the Association to send a message to shortline manufacturers by advertising in Shortliner.
Shortliner Newsletter
This 20-times a year, eight-page newsletter offers snapshots of news relevant to members: legislation, court decisions, business mergers, changes in regulation, and updates on member companies. Our members rank Shortliner among their most valued benefits.
The newsletter typically publishes on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. It is distributed electronically and by mail. Advertisers are automatically featured in both. For the online version, advertisers should provide a URL; you may be asked to supply a second ad with web-friendly specifications.
The deadline to reserve ad space is 10 business days before publication. Ads must be submitted five days before publication.
Print Ad Specifications for Newsletter
We require press-ready ad files with fonts embedded. We prefer to receive the files as PDFs but accept .eps and .tif files or files created in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. We do not accept files created in Publisher or low-resolution images copied from a web site.
Images with color must be CMYK with 300 ppi resolution or higher.
There is no additional charge for bleeds in Ag Innovator, but the edges must pull 1/8” past the trim size.
Always keep live matter at least ¼” away from trim.
The Association has extremely limited space on its website for advertisers but welcomes inquiries. The best opportunity for on-screen advertising is in the digital version of Shortliner.
Non-Member Rates
Rates listed apply to member companies. A 25 percent fee is assessed for non-member companies.
The Association does not offer discounts to agencies. For advertisers who place at least 15 ads in Shortliner or three ads in Ag Innovator, the Association offers a 10% frequency discount.