Membership Matters: Make the Most of Yours
Nearly nine in 10 members among early responders to the 2020 membership survey say they would recommend Association membership to others in the shortline industry.
They name among the most valuable benefits of membership the opportunity to network and this newsletter.
They name among the most valuable benefits of membership the opportunity to network and this newsletter.
Member companies are innovators, problem-solvers and entrepreneurs. The Association is dedicated to clearing executives’ desks of the daily distractions that prevent them from focusing on what they do best: bring solutions and value to farmers.
That includes providing news relevant to the farm implement industry, services for small businesses such as discounts on less-than-load freight, no-cost consultations with attorneys who specialize in labor law and distribution contracts, and reduced registration to conventions focused on connecting manufacturers to suppliers each spring and equipment distributors each fall.
In the words of Association President Matt Westendorf: “You cannot leave an Association (convention) without new ideas. They come from every direction.”
“The Association provides vital connections for innovative farm equipment manufacturers to learn from one another and from leading industry experts,” Westendorf said.
Membership matters to each of you, and you can help make it even more valuable. When you encourage your peers to join, you build the membership base, hence your opportunities to find industry partners and learn from others. And, when you take a moment to respond to requests for information, you help shape programs that serve you.
Membership survey respondents are identifying services their company would value most. They are weighing in on cybersecurity, health insurance, hazardous waste consulting, and more.
If you haven’t yet seen the survey, please get in touch with Kristi Ruggles at She will let you know who in your organization received it. Staff members will happily email the survey again. If you prefer a mailed copy, we can do that, too.
In the meantime, review a comprehensive list of services the Association offers members in this story. If you know someone in the industry who would contribute to and gain from joining the Association, let us know, or reach out to them directly. They can read this newsletter at
And check out this preliminary data on how member companies are faring in 2020 amid trade tensions and COVID-19.