Maximize Membership: Update Directory Listing
Among services the Association offers members are digital and print tools for staying connected—the membership directory.
The online directory is as current as you make it. When you have staff changes or add products, we update our password-protected web resource as soon as you tell us.
That digital resource, which allows you to search by company, individual, and product, has a companion piece in a book the Association publishes every other year.
That book is in production now. The person at your company defined as the Association’s primary contact recently received (or soon will) an email from Rachel Boehm asking you to update your listing.
The data you provide feeds into our website and ultimately the book.
The Association receives requests for this 200-page plus collection of information that offers contact information by member category, geography, and the categories mentioned above.
Questions? Call (314) 878-2304. Or send an email to