JCA Announces New CEO, New Location

Darcy Cook has been named CEO of JCA Technologies.

John Anderson, chairman and founder of JCA Technologies (formerly known as JCA Electronics), said in announcing Cook’s promotion that his “strength in technology, strategy and customer service is perfectly suited to continue the growth of the company around the world.”

Cook has been with JCA for eight years and recently was general manager and vice president of engineering. He has been developing off-road electronic control systems for 20 years and has also spent time designing satellites systems for the Canadian Space Agency, as well as developing MRI equipment in the medical sector.

In other news from JCA, the company has moved it Canadian operations to what Anderson describes as “state-of-the-art” manufacturing and engineering facilities in Winnipeg. He said JCA’s autonomous framework, which includes the recently introduced Eagle–a precision guidance and perception platform–is driving the company’s growth.

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