House Pushes Ahead on Farm Bill

House Ag Chair Thompson is ramping up to release the House farm bill draft ahead of the planned May 23 markup.

As reported, he’s planning to unveil text about a week before the markup, which is around May 17.

Thompson said that “while there is some common ground,” the recently released farm bill framework from Senate Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), “doesn’t appear to include GOP input or reflect the highest priorities we have heard loud and clear from American farmers.”
He also raised questions about funding. “Meeting these priorities will require offsets well beyond the limited amount the Senator’s release alluded to,” Thompson added.

While I appreciate Senator Stabenow taking action to share her initial framework, we must get serious about writing a farm bill that actually assures farm, food and national security,” he said.

“I remain confident the Senate can pick up the pace, and we can work together to meet the actual needs of those that produce, process and consume America’s number one industry – agriculture,” he added.

As noted, there are roughly a dozen House Ag Democrats in competitive, ag-heavy districts who are weighing whether to support the House draft or vote against it during the upcoming markup. Senior Democrats are encouraging those at-risk House Ag Democrats to vote no.
