Agritechnica Calls Off February Show

Organizers of Agritechnica farm show announced Monday the show is canceled.

Agritechnica is a biannual show in Hanover, Germany and is traditionally held in November. This year, however, the show was postponed until February 2022 to allow for progress in the world’s recovery from events around COVID-19.

German officials are reporting a fourth wave of COVID-19 in the country and imposing additional restrictions.

“With regret, we have observed that, following the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a justified exceptional situation has arisen, under which the trouble-free execution of Agritechnica is no longer possible,” said DLG CEO Reinhard Grandke. DLG is the German Agricultural Society that hosts the show.

He continued, “We deeply regret the cancellation. Many of our exhibitors, partners, visitors and members, as well as the entire DLG team, have already invested in extensive preparations.”

The show was expecting 2,000 exhibitors. The digital complement to Agritechnica launched in November remains available through March at The next show is scheduled for November 2023.

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