ASABE Develops Standards for Seeding Equipment
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has published a new three-part series of standards, ASABE S658 Series, Singulating Seeding Equipment Test Methods.
ASABE S658-1 provides normative references, definitions/terminology, and general testing requirements for monitoring system performance and seed spacing of singulating seeding equipment. ASABE S658-2 defines a test method of the monitoring system from the row unit’s seed sensing point to the end-user interface display or farm management system. ASABE S658-3 defines a test method for measuring the predicted performance of seed placement within the in-ground state (seed furrow).
ASABE members with standards access and those with site-license privileges can access the full-text via electronic download on the ASABE online Technical Library at Others can obtain a download for a fee directly from the library or by contacting ASABE headquarters at
FEMA Updates: Find the latest ASABE standards relevant to our members related to braking, tractors and self-propelled equipment, towed implements, tillage, lighting/marking, drawbar jacks, cab enclosures and more.
For information on any of the ASABE standards, contact Scott Cedarquist at or Sadie Stell at A current listing of all ASABE standards projects can be found on the ASABE website at