Sentry Secures A+ Rating for the 33rd Consecutive Year!

After concluding its annual review, AM Best, the insurance industry’s leading rating authority, assigned Sentry an A+ (superior) rating for a 33rd consecutive year.

Fewer than 10% of U.S.-based property and casualty insurance companies earn the A+ rating—even less for three straight decades. The Rating confirms the mutual insurance group’s financial strength and ability to pay customers’ current/future claims.

We invite our members to take advantage of Sentry’s free resources and its experienced safety team through a library of safety materials, which features dozens of articles covering a range of safety topics.

Topics include: Establishing a Product Safety Process at Your Business, Document Management Program, Reporting an Incident or Claim: A Guide for Farm Equipment Manufacturers and Loss Control Guidelines.

Sept. 11 Sentry Webinar: Preventing slips, trips, and falls: Slips, trips, and falls are prevalent in every industry. For many organizations, they’re the leading cause of loss. In this webinar, they’ll discuss some of the best practices to help reduce the incident potential of this common exposure.

Oct. 9 Sentry Webinar: Understanding and minimizing the risks of machine operations: Properly safeguarding machines is vital. In this webinar, they’ll help attendees recognize when safeguarding is needed and how to identify different types of regulatory requirements.

Webinar Offerings: For a complete list go to

Sentry Resource Library: Members can find a comprehensive library of safety resources from Sentry at: | Member since 1974