ASABE Develops Standard Related to Harvest Data

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is in the process of developing a standard for the collection, processing, and visualization of data files containing geographic harvest data. Such data include yield, moisture content, and other spatially variable properties, such as grain protein content, and cotton-fiber maturity.

This new standard will complement ISO 11783 by providing context for how geographic harvest data is used in practice. Non-ISO systems will also benefit from this standard, in maximizing interoperability with farm management information systems (FMIS).

This standard is not meant to prescribe the manner in which field equipment records these data. Rather, it is intended to highlight the importance of accurately preserving the meaning of the data so that it can be processed into a form that is fit for use within FMIS software and can be easily serialized for data exchange.

For information on this or any other ASABE standard, contact Scott Cedarquist at ASABE at (269) 429-0300, or

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