Become a Voice in the Association: Join a Committee Today
If you’re not currently serving on a committee, now is a great time to consider it. Joining a committee offers you the chance to get more out of your membership and make a meaningful contribution to the Association. These committees provide a unique way for member executives to connect with one another and deepen their engagement in the Association and the industry.
By becoming part of a committee, you’ll have the opportunity to shape the content of our benefits, conventions, and publications. Your insights and feedback will help guide the future of our Association.
There’s renewed energy around committee work, especially following our recent Summer Board Meeting. Breakout teams met to discuss ways to provide even more value and improve communication with our members about committee initiatives. And these efforts are paying off.
For example, members of the Communications and Education Committee played a key role in developing and pilot testing the FEMA app. The Membership Committee is crafting strategies to attract new members to our Association and enhance retention efforts. Meanwhile, the Convention Committee is brainstorming ideas for our 2025 conventions, which will mark FEMA’s 75th anniversary.
No matter your area of interest, there’s a committee that could benefit from your input. If you’re attending our Marketing & Distribution Convention in Addison, TX this October, consider sitting in on one of the following committee meetings:
• Communications: Led by Chair Kat Coombes, this committee offers suggestions on improving the Association’s communication channels.
• Convention: Chaired by Craig Harthoorn, this group collaborates with Association staff to develop content for our conventions.
• Dealer Relations: Under the leadership of Scott Eisenmenger, this committee works to enhance member connections with dealers and keeps an eye on relevant legislation.
• Education: Led by Marc Adams, this committee creates innovative strategies to deliver educational content to our members.
• International Trade: Chaired by Jeff Daniel, this group discusses trade issues that impact our members.
• Membership: Marc Ivey leads this committee, focusing on recruiting and retaining member companies.
• Safety Standards: Led by Brett Cohen, this committee discusses industry safety standards and represents the Association’s product councils.
Most committees meet during conventions, but some are now holding virtual meetings between conventions. To learn more, visit the “Resources” tab at We’re also in the process of restructuring our committees, so stay tuned for updates.
Your feedback is always welcome. If you have any questions or want to get involved, feel free to reach out to me at or call 314-878-2304.