Three Farm Belt States Get Quarter of Relief Money

Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin have collected one-fourth of USDA’s coronavirus relief payments.

Some $5.36 billion has been disbursed, at an average $14,684 per producer, from the $16 billion earmarked for agriculture.

By themselves, Iowa farmers, top in the nation for corn and hogs, received nearly $568 million, or slightly more than 10 percent of payments nationwide. Iowa led in payments for row crops and livestock.

Nebraska, a leading cattle and grain state, was second with $389 million, followed by Wisconsin with $344 million. Wisconsin was the leading state for dairy payments, with $236 million.

California, the leading producer of fruit, vegetables, and dairy, has the largest average payment, nearly $72,500. Some 3,617 operations in the state have received a total of $262 million.

Source: Fern’s Ag Insider