Free Spindustry Webinars

Association members are entitled to valuable benefits including free webinars from Spindustry.

October 3 @ 11:30 a.m. Corporate Website Fundamentals: In this webinar, they’ll start by sharing their expert-approved checklist of the building blocks every corporate website needs. From common pitfalls to easy-to-miss details, you’ll learn how to assess your own site and start making improvements right away. You’ll be surprised at how small tweaks can lead to big results.
November 7 @ 11:30 a.m. Microsoft Teams and SharePoint: When should they work together? You might wonder when to use SharePoint and when to use Microsoft Teams. The questions are easy to answer and hard to answer because of the two tools, the overlapping functionality, the organization’s culture, and what the established Governance for the environment is.
For a complete listing of webinars go to: | Member since 2020